Saturday, April 6, 2013

Porroglossum dreisei

The last post was of a Porroglossum.  Here is another, this time Porroglossum dreisei from Ecuador and another small species.  The plant is 4 cm, the flower spikes 12 cm and the flowers 1.5 cm and blooming successively, several to a spike.  Like the other Porroglossum species this has a moveable lip that snaps up and traps an insect against the column effecting pollination and I've included pictures of the flowers with the lip both open and shot.  I thought about titling the post "Arms Akimbo" since the flowers look like a little man with an elf hat and his hands on his hips.


  1. looks like it is dancing a jig or square dance

    sorry I didnt get over to the show today, Did biosurvey at Ohop, then to the car shop for alignment.

    I told my boss about the show, I hope she made it over.

    1. No problem. Just felt bad that I didn't let you know about the show in Mount Vernon. Was in Shoreline all day yesterday and today and am shattered. Thanks for the comments.

  2. Lindo, eu não conhecia.
    Já coloquei o nome na minha lista.

    1. Hope you find one, Elisabete. Thanks, as always for your attention to my blog posts.

  3. Beautifully done, Ron! Great to see the different moments of the bug catching!

    1. Thanks, Iris. I'm going to try to get a video of it tomorrow. I've several species of Porroglossums and may try to video several of them.
