Monday, June 1, 2015

Promenaea xanthina 'Botanica'

Promenaea is a relatively unknown genus of orchids from Brazil.  The different species in the genus are all small, produce large flowers for the size of the plant and require cooler temperatures, high humidity and good air movement.  Promenaea xanthina is the best-known species in the genus and the most readily available.  It has 5 cm flowers on an 8 cm plant and blooms prolifically when happy.


  1. It's a delight to see your promenea growing so well, beautiful, special blooms. I am afraid mine is at "not dead not alive" stage, can't seems to replicate it's growing requirements, our climate to hot for it, but I can always visit yours! Thank you for sharing this beauty

    1. Thanks, my friend. It does require cooler temperatures and always struggles when grown in a warmer environment.

  2. What a pretty little orchid!! Good job growing & photographing it =) Beautiful flowers!

    1. Thanks, Fizzie. This is a relatively easy one to grow and flower.
